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Ultrasonic Sensors

Reliable detection of objects with critical surfaces and highly transparent objects

Available in different dimensions and detection ranges

A major advantage of ultrasonic sensors is the absolutely reliable background suppression resulting from their sound time-of-flight
measurement principle. Ultrasonic sensors may be a useful alternative where optical sensors come up against their physical limits. This applies, for example, for objects with uneven surfaces or under difficult ambient
conditions, or with highly transparent media as well as moving,
highly reflective liquid surfaces.

product_UMT30-6000 (1)


Typical uses of ultrasonic sensors
are checking the presence of highly transparent foils
and measuring the filling levels in liquid containers. 

  • Different dimesions

    Available in cubic (32 x 20 x 12 mm) or barrel type (M12/M18/M30) housing options

  • Adjustment

    Simple adjustment via teach-in, control input or display

  • Reliable

    Reliable detection of objects with critical surfaces and highly transparent objects

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Because we care what you put in your machines. 

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